This is my go-to meatloaf recipe. Amazing flavor and so easy to put together! I did modify the recipe a little and me thinks it tastes even better than the original…even if I do say so myself! Feel free to modify the recipe to suit your taste…it’s extremely versatile! The recipe calls for a fancy rolled/stuffed meatloaf but I have included a cheat version at the end for a quicky weeknight dinner as well!
Like I mentioned before, you can substitute the ingredients to suit your tastes, I have put down what I use to make this at home…
1 lb ground turkey (can use any ground meat)
1 lb bulk hot Italian sausage
1 egg
1 can (8 oz) pizza sauce (divided)
1/4 cup Italian style bread crumbs
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 tbsp red pepper flakes (totally up to you!)
2 cups shredded 6 cheese Italian cheese blend (8 oz)
2 cups loosely packed fresh spinach leaves
Heat oven to 350°F.
In large bowl, mix ground meat, sausage, egg, 1/2 cup of the pizza sauce, the bread crumbs, pepper and pepper flakes. Keep aside 1/2 cup of this mixture.
On foil, pat mixture to a 12×8-inch rectangle.
Sprinkle evenly with cheese; gently press into meat.
Top with spinach.
Starting at short end, roll up tightly, using foil to start roll and tucking in spinach leaves; seal ends with the half cup of mixture you set aside at the beginning. (It helps if you wet your hands while rolling and tucking)
Make sure roll is seam side down on the foil at the end of it.
Pick up the foil by its edges and place in an ungreased 12×8-inch (2 quart) glass baking dish. (You could lay the roll directly in your baking dish without the foil if you are that keen on cleaning up a baked-on mess!)
Bake for an hour.
Spread remaining pizza sauce over top. (Can sprinkle some more crushed red pepper flakes if your heart so desires…what can I tell ya…I like it hot!)
Bake 15 minutes longer or until thermometer inserted in meat loaf reads 160°F.
Let stand 5 to 10 minutes before serving. (This step is important so you can slice easily. If presentation is not your top priority, then dig right in. Who can wait that long anyway!)
Modifications: I have also added roasted tri color bell peppers and mushrooms on occasion.
I served this with Oven Roasted Garlic Potatoes on the side.
There is this fun thing I do…after baking, you will find a delicious sauce kind of liquid in the baking pan. After I remove the loaf to a serving platter, I just let my oven baked fries soak in all the juicy goodness and serve that as a side. You could totally skip this but who would want to waste all that beautiful Au jus! You could also spoon it all over your meatloaf! Just sayin’!
Quicky Week Night Version
Divide the meat mixture into two portions
Press down one half at the bottom of your oven safe dish.
Sprinkle half of your cheese. Press down.
Add a layer of spinach.
Top with remaining cheese.
Finally top with the rest of the mixture. Press gently.
Sprinkle crushed red pepper flakes if desired.
Bake for the required time.
Top with pizza sauce and bake for the extra 15 minutes.
That’s it! Dig in!
Recipe and expert tip courtesy: Betty Crocker
Use foil to make rolling the meat loaf easier. Then, using the foil, transfer the meat loaf to the pan and bake on the foil to make cleanup quicker.