The ever popular Kaju Katli! Most requested item from back home and the first one to get over ?! Did not think it possible to make this at home till I came across the recipe and could not believe it could be so easy! I did find another method to make this and will share later in a separate post.
Cashews – 1 cup
Sugar – 1/2 cup
Water – 5 tbsp
Ghee – 1 tsp
In a dry mixi, grind the cashew nuts to a fine powder.
Grease two sheets of wax paper lightly with ghee on one side each and keep aside.
Take half cup sugar in a thick wide bottomed pan(preferably non-stick), and pour 5 tbsp water. Mix well till sugar dissolves completely. Simmer and keep checking till it reaches just before the single thread stage.
Add the cashew nut powder and mix well. Do not allow any lumps to form. Keep stirring on low flame for 2-3 minutes.
Allow it to cool for 5 mins. Knead till soft dough forms and transfer this between the greased sides of the wax paper and roll them evenly to 1/4 inch thicknes. Cut them into diamonds and store them in an air tight container.
The sugar syrup and the cashew dough consistency are very important, if it becomes a bit thicker than required, the katlis will be difficult to roll and will break on you.